MS092A Machine Learning-based Latent-Space Models for Multiscale Simulations I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Wouter Edeling (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
Chaired by:
Dr. Wouter Edeling (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica , Netherlands) , Dr. Maxime Vassaux (CNRS , France)
Dr. Wouter Edeling (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica , Netherlands) , Dr. Maxime Vassaux (CNRS , France)
Scheduled presentations:
Data-assimilation closure for low-dimensional fluid models
S. Ephrati*, A. Franken, E. Luesink, B. Geurts -
New Low-Dimensional Closure Models for Turbulence
R. Hoekstra*, W. Edeling -
A-priori Energy-Biased Training for the Prediction of Closure Terms of the VMS Navier-Stokes Equations
A. Bettini*, S. Hulshoff -
Accelerating Multiscale Modeling of Delamination With a Suite of Surrogate Models
L. Ke, I. Rocha*, M. Maia, F. van der Meer -
Active learning of constitutive surrogate models from molecular dynamics simulations
M. Vassaux* -
Identifying active subspaces in molecular dynamics using machine learning
W. Edeling*, M. Vassaux, P. Coveney