MS140B Reduced Order Models and Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Applications II
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Massimiliano Lupo Pasini (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Chaired by:
Dr. Michele Giuliano Carlino (ONERA , France) , Dr. Nicola Ferro (Politecnico di Milano , Italy)
Dr. Michele Giuliano Carlino (ONERA , France) , Dr. Nicola Ferro (Politecnico di Milano , Italy)
Scheduled presentations:
Numerical Design of Engineering Components and their Production Processes
S. Elgeti*, J. Lee -
Application of Graph Neural Networks to Predict Hydrogen Explosions in Congested Environments
G. Covoni*, V. Tagarielli, F. Montomoli, V. Bisio, S. Rossin, M. Ruggiero -
Turbulent modeling from sparse measurements through a combination of data assimilation and Machine Learning
R. Villiers*, V. Mons, D. Sipp, E. Lamballais, M. Meldi -
Uncertainty-aware Transonic Flow Predictions with Bayesian Deep Learning
M. Anhichem*, S. Timme, J. Castagna, A. Peace, M. Maina -
Evaluating the Probability of Infection in a UK Hospice through CFD Data Driven AI
M. Elsarraj*, Y. Mahmoudi, A. Keshmiri -
Accurate extrapolations of formation energy from binary to ternary solid solution alloys using graph neural networks
M. Lupo Pasini*, G. Samolyuk, J. Choi, Y. Yang