MS041B Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Structural Health Monitoring: Emerging Trends and Open Issues II
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Alberto Barontini (University of Minho, ISISE, ARISE)
Chaired by:
Dr. Enrique García-Macías (Universidad de Granada , Spain) , Dr. Alberto Barontini (University of Minho, ISISE, ARISE , Italy)
Dr. Enrique García-Macías (Universidad de Granada , Spain) , Dr. Alberto Barontini (University of Minho, ISISE, ARISE , Italy)
Scheduled presentations:
Surrogate models as the key to inject digital twins within the statistical pattern recognition SHM paradigm
E. García Macías* -
Meta-Model Assisted Pattern Recognition for Real-Time Identification of Roadway Bridges: a Preliminary Study
E. Tomassini*, E. García-Macías, I. Venanzi, F. Ubertini -
Leveraging advanced numerical calibration to filter out temperature effects on vibration-based monitoring data: application to the Mogadouro clock tower
A. Barontini*, D. Pellegrini, F. Testa, M. Girardi, M. Masciotta, N. Mendes, C. Padovani, L. Ramos, P. Lourenço -
Combination of FEM and machine learning models for enhanced dam safety assessment
F. Salazar, J. Irazábal*, N. Silva-Cancino, D. Vicente