MS093A Emerging Trends in Model Reduction for Nonlinear Mechanics Problems I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Shobhit Jain (TU Delft)
Chaired by:
Prof. Shobhit Jain (TU Delft , Netherlands) , Prof. Mingwu Li (Southern University of Science and Technology , China)
Prof. Shobhit Jain (TU Delft , Netherlands) , Prof. Mingwu Li (Southern University of Science and Technology , China)
Scheduled presentations:
Data-Driven Nonlinear Model Reduction to Spectral Submanifolds
G. Haller* -
Data-Driven Extraction of Intrinsic Dynamics for Control of Continuum Robots
J. Alora*, M. Cenedese, G. Haller, M. Pavone -
Model Reduction on Manifolds: A differential geometric framework
P. Buchfink*, S. Glas, B. Haasdonk, B. Unger -
Solving vibration control of high-dimensional nonlinear mechanical systems as linear control of low-dimensional reduced-order models via invariant manifolds
M. Li* -
Reduced Order Modelling Of Electro-Mechanical Microsystems Through Invariant Manifolds
A. Frangi*, A. Colombo, A. Vizzaccaro, C. Touze