MS084A Data-Enhanced Reduced Order Modeling I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Marco Tezzele (Emory University)
Chaired by:
Dr. Marco Tezzele (Emory University , United States) , Dr. Romit Maulik (Argonne National Laboratory , United States)
Dr. Marco Tezzele (Emory University , United States) , Dr. Romit Maulik (Argonne National Laboratory , United States)
Scheduled presentations:
Neural Empirical Interpolation Method for Nonlinear Model Reduction
M. Hirsch*, F. Pichi, J. Hesthaven -
Hybrid Autoencoder/Galerkin approach for nonlinear reduced order modelling
N. Lepage*, S. Beneddine, C. Fiorini, I. Mortazavi, D. Sipp, N. Thome -
Flow Control with Data-Driven Approaches
A. Corrochano*, S. Le Clainche -
Physics-based, non-intrusive modeling for systems with spatially localized behavior through reduced/full-order model coupling
L. Gkimisis*, N. Aretz, M. Tezzele, P. Benner, T. Richter, K. Willcox -
Approximation of acoustic black holes with finite element mixed formulations and artificial neural network correction terms
A. Fabra, O. Guasch, J. Baiges*, R. Codina -
Distances between Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Reduced Subspaces of Repeating Subdomains
S. Ruan*, J. Yanez, A. Class