MS106A Novel Computational Techniques for Masonry Mechanics I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Francesca Nerilli (University Niccolò Cusano, Rome)
Chaired by:
Dr. Antonio Maria D'Altri (University of Bologna , Italy) , Dr. Francesco Messali (Delft University of Technology , Netherlands)
Dr. Antonio Maria D'Altri (University of Bologna , Italy) , Dr. Francesco Messali (Delft University of Technology , Netherlands)
Scheduled presentations:
A mechanism-based damage model for the analysis of masonry structures
G. Bertani*, M. Cervera, S. de Miranda -
A multisurface contact constitutive model for masonry structures based on the distinct element method
Y. Oktiovan*, F. Messali, B. Pulatsu, J. Lemos, J. Rots -
Swarm Intelligence Based Calibration of Discrete Element Models for Masonry Structures
G. Kibriya*, Á. Orosz, J. Botzheim, K. Bagi -
Reduced-Scale Testing of Masonry Structures Subjected to Blast Loads
A. Morsel* -
Image-Based Kinematic Limit Analysis for Irregular Masonry with Lumped Joint Representation
Y. Hermans*, N. Grillanda, K. Ehab Moustafa Kamel, G. Milani, T. Massart