MS089A Computational Cardiology: Modeling and Simulating the Heart I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Mr. Michele Bucelli (Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Mr. Maximilian Roman Schuster (RWTH Aachen University , Germany)
Mr. Maximilian Roman Schuster (RWTH Aachen University , Germany)
Scheduled presentations:
Probabilistic learning of the Purkinje network from the ECG
S. Pezzuto*, F. Álvarez-Barrientos, F. Sahli Costabal -
End-to-End Segmentation of Mitral Valve in 4D Transesophageal Echocardiography Using Time-Encoded Convolutional Neural Networks
R. Munafo*, S. Saitta, E. Votta -
Multi-Fidelity Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification of the Coagulation Cascade in Patient-Specific Left Atrial Flows
M. Guerrero-Hurtado*, M. García-Villalba, E. Durán, A. Gonzalo, P. Martinez-Legazpi, A. Kahn, J. Bermejo, J. del Alamo, O. Flores -
Gaussian Process Emulators --- A Powerful Tool for Scaling the Generation of Cardiac Digital Twins
E. Karabelas*, F. Caforio, K. Kapper, F. Mantegazza, B. Viti, G. Plank, S. Niederer, G. Haase -
Parameter estimation in cardiac models using physics-informed neural networks
F. Caforio*, F. Regazzoni, S. Pagani, E. Karabelas, G. Plank, G. Haase, A. Quarteroni