MS018B Computational Methods for Inverse Problems II
MS Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Dan Givoli (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Chaired by:
Prof. Haim Waisman (Columbia University , United States) , Prof. Dan Givoli (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Israel)
Prof. Haim Waisman (Columbia University , United States) , Prof. Dan Givoli (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Israel)
Scheduled presentations:
A Novel Trefftz-Based Computational Strategy for Solving Wave Propagation Problems
H. Barucq, R. Djelouli, I. Djiba*, S. Tordeux -
All-at-Once and Reduced Calibration Approach in Computational Solid Mechanics
J. Tröger*, S. Hartmann, D. Anton, H. Wessels, U. Römer -
Bayesian identification of constitutive laws using full-field displacements
A. Jafari*, K. Vlachas, E. Chatzi, J. Unger -
Bayesian inference of the model parameters of a microfluidic acoustic flow
J. Lorente-Macias*, M. Juniper -
FRF based ROM for Lamb Wave based damage localization with multiple defects
P. Sieber*, K. Agathos, R. Soman, W. Ostachowicz, E. Chatzi