MS192A Kinetic-based Computational Fluid Dynamics for Continuum and Rarefied Flows I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Huidan Yu (Purdue University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Diogo Nardelli Siebert (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina , Brazil) , Dr. Huidan Yu (Purdue University , United States)
Prof. Diogo Nardelli Siebert (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina , Brazil) , Dr. Huidan Yu (Purdue University , United States)
Scheduled presentations:
Unified Lattice Boltzmann Modelling and GPU Accelerated Computation for Image-based Complex Flows
H. Yu* -
A General Algorithm for Multiscale Analysis of Lattice-Boltzmann Models
D. Nardelli Siebert*, E. de Carli da Silva, L. Emerich dos Santos, J. de Lima Costa Salazar, R. Leite Martins Bazarin -
Quantum Boltzmann Methods
M. Schalkers*, M. Möller -
A discrete kinetic scheme for modeling and simulation of dendrite growth under multiscale thermal flows
C. Qin*, Z. Deng, D. Sun -
A Model for growth and motion of dendrites during the non-equilibrium solidification of binary alloys with the lattice Boltzmann method
S. Mao*, D. Sun