MS186A Advances in Finite Element Methods for Transient, Coupled Interfacial Phenomena I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. David Noble (Sandia National Laboratories)Scheduled presentations:
Two-phase flow simulation using the X-Mesh approach
A. Quiriny*, J. Lambrechts, N. Moës, J. Remacle -
An eXtreme Mesh Deformation Method to Track Shock Waves
V. Degrooff*, J. Remacle, N. Moës -
A Discontinuity-Enriched Finite Element Method for modeling Fracture Growth in Brittle Materials
A. Aragón*, J. Zhang, Y. Yang -
Cell agglomeration for cut cells in eXtended discontinuous Galerkin methods
M. Toprak* -
A Low Diffusion Verified Conforming Transient h-r Unstructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement (cThruAMR) Method for Coupled Interface Problems
D. Noble* -
High-fidelity multiphase flow modeling of laser welding applications using interface-conformal meshes
S. Lin*, D. Moser