High-fidelity multiphase flow modeling of laser welding applications using interface-conformal meshes
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The process physics of laser-metal processing technologies for advanced manufacturing is a complex combination of radiative absorption, phase change, fluid flow, moving boundaries, surface tension, and vaporization, typically driving the formation of a cavity beneath the laser. Credible predictions of the outcomes of these advanced manufacturing technologies is challenging, but can lead to the mitigation of defects and poor performance of as-built manufactured parts. This work presents a high-fidelity modeling approach intended to predict the behavior of laser welding technologies. A level set method tracks the location of the moving interface and a dynamic meshing scheme is used to continually conform the mesh to the gas/metal free surface. Keyhole dynamics are resolved through simplified momentum and energy flux models that capture vaporization mechanics. A systematic validation study against available experimental data is performed, with modeling discrepancies and uncertainties being discussed as well as outstanding challenges to our predictive capability. SNL is managed and operated by NTESS under DOE NNSA contract DE-NA0003525