MS080A Advances in Turbulence Modeling using Nonlocal Derivatives, Implicit LES and Deep Learning I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Mr. Pavan Pranjivan Mehta (SISSA, International School of Advanced Studies)
Chaired by:
Mr. Pavan Pranjivan Mehta (SISSA, International School of Advanced Studies , Italy)
Mr. Pavan Pranjivan Mehta (SISSA, International School of Advanced Studies , Italy)
Scheduled presentations:
Implicit LES via spectral/hp methods: rationale and comparison to traditional LES
D. Garcia-Ribeiro, A. Zanca, V. Malatesta, R. Moura, S. Sherwin* -
Adaptively Tuned High-Order Methods for iLES
Investigation of the capabilities of matrix-free stablized implicit large-eddy simulation on canonical turbulent benchmarks.
B. Blais*, L. Prieto Saavedra, P. Munch -
Data-driven subgrid-scale models for machine-learned implicit large-eddy simulation (ML-ILES) using the differentiable JAX-Fluids framework
D. Bezgin*, A. Buhendwa, S. Schmidt, N. Adams -
Large-Small Eddy Simulations: A Multi-Fidelity Method to Enable DNS of High Reynolds Number Turbulent Flows
A. Moitro*, C. Chen, A. Poludnenko