MS050A Coupling computational fluid dynamics with machine learning I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Esteban Ferrer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid )
Chaired by:
Dr. Esteban Ferrer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid , Spain) , Dr. Gonzalo Rubio (UPM , Spain)
Dr. Esteban Ferrer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid , Spain) , Dr. Gonzalo Rubio (UPM , Spain)
Scheduled presentations:
Accelerating High Order Discontinuous Galerkin solvers using neural networks
E. Ferrer*, O. Mariño, D. huergo -
Enhancing Computational Fluid Dynamics through Unsupervised Machine Learning
G. Rubio*, K. Otmani, K. Tlales, A. Mateo-Gabín, G. Ntoukas, O. Mariño, E. Valero, E. Ferrer -
A POD-based reduced order finite volume model for solving shallow water equations with parameterized source terms
P. Solán-Fustero*, J. Gracia, A. Navas-Montilla, P. García-Navarro -
A Reinforcement Learning Strategy for Mesh Adaptation in High-order CFD Solvers
D. Huergo*, M. De Frutos, Ó. Mariño, G. Rubio, E. Ferrer -
Application of PINNs to the modelling of secondary waves in vessels for transient blood flow
J. Orera*, J. Ramírez, P. García-Navarro, J. Murillo -
Application of an Automated Machine Learning Framework for the Preliminary Design of Engine Combustion Systems
M. Centini*, I. Cozza, R. McAlpine