MS169A Recent Advances in Model Order Reduction of Non-Linear Systems: a Prospective from Early Stage Researchers I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Mattia Manucci (University of Stuttgart)
Chaired by:
Dr. Mattia Manucci (University of Stuttgart , Germany) , Mr. Jonas Nicodemus (University of Stuttgart , Germany)
Dr. Mattia Manucci (University of Stuttgart , Germany) , Mr. Jonas Nicodemus (University of Stuttgart , Germany)
Scheduled presentations:
Model Reduction for Transport-Dominated Systems using Transformed Modes and Gaussian Process Regression
P. Schulze*, M. Stoll -
Certifying Bifurcations in ROMs: a Deflated-Greedy Algorithm for Enhanced Accuracy in Nonlinear Parametric PDEs
M. Strazzullo*, F. Pichi -
A nonlinear reduced basis approximation of discrete contact problems in crowd motion
V. Ehrlacher, G. Sambataro* -
Data-Driven techniques for spatio-temporal dynamics of Turing and oscillatory type
A. Monti*, A. Alla, I. Sgura -
Passivity enforcement via spectral factorization
J. Nicodemus*, S. Gugercin, B. Unger