MS198E Shape and topology optimization: theoretical advances and numerical methods V
MS Corresponding Organizer: Prof. François Jouve (Université Paris Cité)
Chaired by:
Mr. Charles Dapogny (CNRS, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Université Grenoble Alpes, Saint Martin d’Hères , France) , Dr. Samuel Amstutz (Avignon Université , France)
Mr. Charles Dapogny (CNRS, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Université Grenoble Alpes, Saint Martin d’Hères , France) , Dr. Samuel Amstutz (Avignon Université , France)
Scheduled presentations:
Multiscale Topology Optimization of modulated fluid microchannels based on asymptotic homogenization
F. Feppon* -
Optimization of Geometry for Turbulent Flow Using the Continuous Adjoint Method
C. Ruiz-Sánchez*, A. Martínez-Cava, M. Chávez-Modena, E. Valero -
Body-fitted topology optimization with the Equivalent Radiated Power criterion
D. Danan*, C. Mang, L. Dall'Olio, C. Nardoni -
Level Set-based Topology Optimization of Turbulent Flows
L. Noël*, K. Maute -
Topology optimization of contact-aided thermo-mechanical regulators
A. Dalklint*, J. Alexandersen, A. Frederiksen, K. Poulios, O. Sigmund