
Multiscale Topology Optimization of modulated fluid microchannels based on asymptotic homogenization

  • Feppon, Florian (KU LEUVEN)

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Dehomogenization techniques are becoming increasingly popular for enhancing lattice designs of compliant mechanical systems with ultra-large resolutions. Their effectiveness hinges on computing a deformed periodic grid that enable to reconstruct fine-scale designs with modulated and oriented patterns. In this presentation, we propose an approach for extending dehomogenization methods to laminar fluid systems. The talk will be divided in two parts. We will first give an overview on recent results regarding the homogenization theory associated to porous media and their implications towards the development of multiscale Topology Optimization methods for fluid systems based on dehomogenization. Then, we will present numerical methodologies leveraging homogenized fluid models to obtain fine scale microchannels designs for two-dimensional applications.