MS102D Numerical Methods for the Vascular System in Health and Disease IV
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Richard Schussnig (University of Augsburg, Institute of Mathematics, Chair of High-Performance Scientific Computing)
Chaired by:
Mr. Ivo Steinbrecher (Universität der Bundeswehr München , Germany) , Dr. Gian Marco Melito (TU Graz , Austria)
Mr. Ivo Steinbrecher (Universität der Bundeswehr München , Germany) , Dr. Gian Marco Melito (TU Graz , Austria)
Scheduled presentations:
Parameter estimation from undersampled MRI in frequency space
M. Löcke*, C. Bertoglio -
Validation of finite volume FSI solver on patient-specific Type-B aortic dissection
A. Horvat*, Ž. Tuković -
On the role of tissue mechanics in fluid-structure interaction simulations of patient-specific aortic dissection
R. Schussnig*, M. Rolf-Pissarczyk, K. Bäumler, T. Fries, G. Holzapfel, M. Kronbichler -
An Optimisation-Based Fully Segregated Reduced Order Model for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
I. Prusak*, D. Torlo, M. Nonino, G. Rozza -
Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
C. Catalano*, O. Zahalka, T. Turgut, V. Bouwman, S. Pasta