MS040B Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification in Modeling and Simulation II
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Luís Eça (IST)
Chaired by:
Mr. Kevin Dowding (Sandia National Laboratories , United States) , Dr. Luís Eça (IST , Portugal)
Mr. Kevin Dowding (Sandia National Laboratories , United States) , Dr. Luís Eça (IST , Portugal)
Scheduled presentations:
Quantifying the Numerical Accuracy of Transient Flow Computations
F. Pereira* -
Verification of Detonation Shock Dynamics Models for Accelerating Detonation Waves
S. Andrews*, E. Lozano, T. Aslam -
Experimental and numerical investigation of a one-way DEM-FEA coupling
J. Marín Pérez*, T. Comlekci, Y. Gorash, D. MacKenzie -
Composite pressure vessel failure: Spatial uncertainty quantification validation
B. Van Bavel*, D. Vandepitte, D. Moens -
Benchmark of Inflow Conditions, Turbulence Model and Wall Function Formulation for Effective ABL RANS CFD Modeling
E. Bombardi*, L. Cotteleer, A. Gambale, A. Parente -
Assessment of numerical tools and models for the simulation of flow through TPMS structures
E. Gajetti*, A. Buffo, G. Boccardo, A. Lucchini, L. Marocco, C. Piatti, L. Savoldi