MS068B Computational Methods for Multiphase Flows with Liquid-Vapor Transition II
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Marica Pelanti (ENSTA Paris - Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
Chaired by:
Mr. Clément Le Touze (ONERA , France)
Mr. Clément Le Touze (ONERA , France)
Scheduled presentations:
A Numerical Model for Three-Component Liquid-Vapor-Gas Flows with Arbitrary-Rate Mass Transfer
M. Pelanti* -
Numerical Methods and Relaxation Techniques for Diffuse Interface Models in High-Velocity Two-Phase Flow Simulations
W. haegeman*, C. Le Touze, J. Dupays, M. massot -
A unified two-scale gas-liquid two-fluid model with capillarity and interface regularization through a mass transfer between scales
A. Loison, M. Massot*, S. Kokh, T. Pichard -
A two-scale model for two-phase flows including geometric variables and mass transfer
G. Orlando*, A. Loison, T. Pichard, S. Kokh, M. Massot -
Two-scale two-phase flows modelling based on the stationary action principle and a geometric method of moments
T. Pichard* -
Efficient Simulation of Non-Ideal Fluid Flows with Finite Mechanical Relaxation and Phase Transition
G. Sirianni*, B. Re, A. Guardone, R. Abgrall