MS036A Smart Soft Materials: Additive Manufacturing, Modeling, Design, and Experimentation I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Giulia Scalet (University of Pavia)
Chaired by:
Prof. Oliver Weeger (TU Darmstadt , Germany) , Dr. Mahdi Bodaghi (Nottingham Trent University , United Kingdom)
Prof. Oliver Weeger (TU Darmstadt , Germany) , Dr. Mahdi Bodaghi (Nottingham Trent University , United Kingdom)
Scheduled presentations:
Design and 4D Printing of Metamaterials with Repairability
M. Bodaghi* -
A Thermo-mechanical and Phenomenological Model for Shape-memory Semi-crystalline Polymer Networks
M. Arricca*, N. Inverardi, S. Pandini, M. Toselli, M. Messori, F. Auricchio, G. Scalet -
Simulation of SMPs for the Bonding Process of a Gyroid-Core with a CFRP Aerodynamic Profile
F. Cerbe*, A. Junge, C. Hühne, M. Sinapius -
Design Optimization for the Active Response of Liquid Crystal Elastomers
J. Barrera*, C. Krikorian, E. Lee, R. Telles, J. Mancini, D. Tortorelli