MS096A Active and Passive Mechanics in Patient-Specific Modelling of Soft Biological Tissues I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Anna Pandolfi (Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Mr. Luca Dede (Politecnico di Milano , Italy) , Prof. Anna Pandolfi (Politecnico di Milano , Italy)
Mr. Luca Dede (Politecnico di Milano , Italy) , Prof. Anna Pandolfi (Politecnico di Milano , Italy)
Scheduled presentations:
Computational Modelling of the Stomach with Patient-Specific Geometries
M. Henke*, S. Brandstaeter, S. Fuchs, C. Cyron -
Macromolecular processes motivated constitutive models for soft biomaterials
G. Vitucci, F. Trentadue*, D. De Tommasi -
Enhancing in silico cardiac simulations: the crucial role of detailed activation models and accurate fiber architectures
R. Piersanti*, F. Regazzoni, L. Dede', A. Quarteroni -
Nonlinear Poroelastic Model Describing the Lamina Cribrosa IOP-induced Cupping in the Optic Nerve
F. Recrosi*, A. Tatone, R. Repetto, M. Vasta, A. Pandolfi