MS077A Efficient Spline Methods for Complex (Iso)Geometric Modeling and Simulation I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Carlotta Giannelli (University of Florence)
Chaired by:
Prof. Alessandro Reali (University of Pavia , Italy)
Prof. Alessandro Reali (University of Pavia , Italy)
Scheduled presentations:
Isogeometric methods for high order problems with $C^1$ hierarchical spline spaces on multipatch geometries
C. Bracco*, A. Farahat, C. Giannelli, M. Kapl, A. Reali, M. Torre, R. Vàzquez -
Adaptive Local Bezier Projection for THB-Splines
K. Dijkstra*, D. Toshniwal -
New insights into the variational isogeometric collocation method
M. Möller*, M. Vorechovsky -
Graded isogeometric mesh refinement towards corners of singularly parametrized domains
P. Zilk*, T. Apel -
A Unified Framework for Advanced Spline Constructions in Isogeometric Analysis
H. Verhelst*, C. Giannelli