MS210A Fluid-Structure Interaction in Multiphysics Systems I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Marco D. de Tullio (Politecnico di Bari)
Chaired by:
Prof. Marco D. de Tullio (Politecnico di Bari , Italy) , Mr. Alessandro Nitti (Polytechnic University of Bari , Italy)
Prof. Marco D. de Tullio (Politecnico di Bari , Italy) , Mr. Alessandro Nitti (Polytechnic University of Bari , Italy)
Scheduled presentations:
Numerical Study of Penguin Wing Propulsion Using Immersed Boundary Method
B. Yin*, S. Huang, D. Guo, G. Zheng, G. Yang -
Collective locomotion of two force-driven flexible flapping foils
F. Deng*, C. Wang, H. Tang -
3D Simulation of Air-Structure Interaction in Dragonfly Hindwings
D. Di Cristofaro*, M. Cremonesi, A. Frangi -
Transition from jet propulsion to rowing propulsion in biologic swimmers
A. Nitti*, M. Torre, A. Reali, M. de Tullio -
Computational Modelling of Nature-Inspired Magnetic Soft Robots: Swimming Modes and Swarming Behavior
R. Pramanik*, P. Onck, R. Verstappen -
Coupled Immersed Boundary and Level-Set Method to Study the Water Exit of Flying Fish
B. Yin, S. Huang, D. Guo, G. Yang, G. Zheng*