MS045C Modelling and Simulations of Additively Manufactured Metamaterials III
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Massimo Carraturo (University of Pavia)
Chaired by:
Dr. Massimo Carraturo (University of Pavia , Italy) , Prof. Simone Morganti (University of Pavia , Italy)
Dr. Massimo Carraturo (University of Pavia , Italy) , Prof. Simone Morganti (University of Pavia , Italy)
Scheduled presentations:
Unraveling Tension-Compression Asymmetry in Additively Manufactured NiTi TPMS Structures
Z. Yan*, M. Hermans, J. Jovanova, V. Popovich -
Geometrically nonlinear shear-deformable beam for modelling lattice metamaterials
C. Bonvissuto*, E. La Malfa Ribolla, M. Horàk, M. Jirásek -
Programming Instabilities in Curved-Beam Metamaterials via Deep Generative Models
G. Felsch*, V. Slesarenko