MS011A Modeling Of Failure Of Additively Manufactured Parts I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Dr. Narges Dialami (UPC-CIMNE)
Chaired by:
Dr. Narges Dialami (UPC-CIMNE , Spain)
Dr. Narges Dialami (UPC-CIMNE , Spain)
Scheduled presentations:
Experimental and Computational Multiscale Failure Analysis of Fused Filament Fabrication Parts
I. Rivet, N. Dialami*, M. Cervera, M. Chiumenti -
A novel nonlocal orthotropic damage-plastic model for FDM-3D printed materials
E. Monaldo*, D. Linardi, S. Marfia -
Experiments-Based Numerical Analysis of Size Effects on Fracture Mechanisms in FFF Printed Polymer Lattices
R. Salem, I. Benedetti, F. Barbe*