STS247A Disruptive Aircraft’s Wing Configurations towards Greening of Aviation I
MS Corresponding Organizer: Ms. Marianna Braza (INPT)
Chaired by:
Ms. Marianna Braza (INPT , France) , Mr. Yannick Hoarau (University of Strasbourg , France)
Ms. Marianna Braza (INPT , France) , Mr. Yannick Hoarau (University of Strasbourg , France)
Scheduled presentations:
Investigation of the electroactive morphing effects on an A320 prototype in subsonic regime at Reynolds number of 1 million
J. Abou Khalil*, M. Carvalho, C. Rouaix, C. Raibaudo, G. Harran, S. Cazin, M. Marchall, F. Bergame, H. Ayroles, J. Rouchon, M. Braza -
Three-dimensional Numerical Simulations around an A320 Morphing Wing at high Reynolds Number
C. Rouaix, M. Braza* -
Numerical investigation of electroactive morphing effects through traveling wave actuation on an A320 wing in low subsonic regime and Reynolds number of 1 Million
A. Marouf*, R. El akoury, J. Abou Khalil, Y. hoarau, J. Rouchon, M. Braza -
Investigation of the aerodynamic performance increase in transonic flow over an A320 morphing airfoil by numerical simulation at high Reynolds number
J. Abou Khalil, C. Jimenez-Navarro, N. Maynard*, A. Marouf, R. El Akoury, Y. Hoarau, J. Rouchon, M. Braza -
Reduced Order Modelling for aerodynamic turbulent flows
A. MAROUF, R. El Akoury, M. Braza, Y. Hoarau* -
Airfoil shape control using SMA actuators
M. Fragiadakis*, N. Simiriotis, J. Rouchon, M. Braza