MS018C Computational Methods for Inverse Problems III
MS Corresponding Organizer: Prof. Dan Givoli (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Chaired by:
Prof. Dan Givoli (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Israel) , Prof. Haim Waisman (Columbia University , United States)
Prof. Dan Givoli (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Israel) , Prof. Haim Waisman (Columbia University , United States)
Scheduled presentations:
Conformal Geometry-Based Dimension Reduction for Shape and Topology Optimization on Free-Form Surfaces
X. Xu, X. Gu, S. Chen* -
Inverse design and physical realization of soft active materials
X. Zhang, C. Wang* -
Topology Optimization of Cross-Sectional Properties Considering Torsional and Warping Behavior
C. Kostopoulos, A. Marzok, H. Waisman* -
Applying Adjoints Twice: an Efficient Gradient Implementation for Models with Linear Structure with Applications in Reconstruction for Electron Probe Microanalysis
T. Claus*, G. Achuda, S. Richter, M. Torrilhon -
Parameter Identification in Boundary Value Problems for Fiber Spinning
L. Kannengießer*, N. Marheineke, R. Wegener