Concrete Failure Modelling and Proper Choice of Parameters with Stochastic Identification

  • Nikolic, Mijo (University of Split)
  • Šodan, Matej (University of Split)
  • Stanic, Andjelka (University of Twente)
  • Friedman, Noemi (Institute for Computer Science and Control)
  • Matthies, Hermann (Technische Universität Braunschweig)

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Modelling of concrete failure requires sophisticated simulation models that can represent progressive degradation of material with consideration of lower scales. In this work, macroscopic failure mechanisms in concrete are obtained with enhanced finite element method and embedded strong discontinuities [3], while mesoscale simulations are performed by using discrete lattice element method based on embedded strong discontinuities [1]. In addition, since failure simulations are highly sensitive to material parameters, stochastic identification of parameters is performed by using Monte Carlo Markov Chain method (MCMC) [2]. We identify macroscopic and mesoscopic failure parameters that contain ultimate stresses and fracture energies for all failure modes. Such analysis is performed in stochastic framework where one deals with distributions of parameters where large number of computations is required.