Chemo-Mechanical Vacancy Diffusion at Finite Strains Using a Phase-Field Model of Voids as Pure Vacancy Phase
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High vacancy concentrations in crystals may lead to the formation and growth of voids. Elevated concentrations may, for example, result from irradiation or large plastic deformation. Void formation and growth are associated with irradiation-induced swelling and appear to influence the evolution of porosity in the early stages of ductile failure. Understanding void formation and growth in ductile failure requires coupling vacancy diffusion to the stress field and considering vacancy sources due to plastic deformation. In our recent work [1], we proposed a model for coupling elastically driven vacancy diffusion at small strains with a phase-field model of void surfaces. The proposed model overcomes the shortcomings of former models in the literature, such as stress artefacts in the vicinity of voids. This is achieved by making the vacancy eigenstrain a function of the non-conserved order parameter that distinguishes the void and crystal phases. We present the extension of our model to finite strains. Using a multiplicative split for the deformation gradient, a proper coupling of kinematics and the kinetics of vacancy-void interactions is emphasized. A thermodynamically consistent derivation of the acting driving forces in alignment with the underlying phase-field description is presented. The governing equations are implemented in the multi-physics software tool DAMASK [2], which allows an application of different plasticity laws for modelling creep or ductile failure. First results on the coupling to plasticity and the influence of chemo-mechanical coupling on void condensation are shown and discussed. [1] K. A. Pendl and T. Hochrainer. Coupling stress fields and vacancy diffusion in phase-field models of voids as pure vacancy phase. Comput. Mater. Sci., 224:112157, May 2023. [2] F. Roters et al. DAMASK – The Düsseldorf Advanced Material Simulation Kit for modeling multi-physics crystal plasticity, thermal, and damage phenomena from the single crystal up to the component scale. Comput. Mater. Sci., 158:420–478, Feb. 2019.