Finite-Element-Based Prediciton of Moisture Uptake and Dry-Out in CLT caused by End-Grain Surface Infiltration

  • Brandstätter, Florian (TU Wien)
  • Autengruber, Maximilian (TU Wien)
  • Lukacevic, Markus (TU Wien)
  • Füssl, Josef (TU Wien)

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Timber constructions and engineered wood products, such as cross-laminated timber (CLT), demonstrate significant moisture-dependent behavior. Moisture infiltration through end-grain surfaces is particularly problematic when dry-out is prohibited, impairing CLT. However, few studies examine moisture infiltration followed by moisture dry-out and current models struggle to simulate these conditions properly. Using the model of Autengruber et al. [1], including free water transport, allows for a realistic simulation of these conditions [2]. This was validated by replicating the experiments of Kalbe et al. [3]. They examined the moisture content development of several CLT plates, where end-grain surfaces were exposed to water for one week, followed by two weeks of drying in various climate conditions. The simulations were refined by calibrating the mass transfer coefficients of water vapor and free water, where in a sensitivity analysis it was shown that the most significant impact on moisture changes emerges from the latter one. Additionally, the influence of glue lines in CLT panels on moisture transport was examined, revealing minor effects on surface layers but increasing influence towards the middle layer. REFERENCES [1] M. Autengruber, M. Lukacevic, J. Füssl, Finite-element-based moisture transport model for wood including free water above the fiber saturation point, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 161, 120228, 2020. [2] F. Brandstätter, K. Kalbe, M. Autengruber, M. Lukacevic, T. Kalamees, A. Ruus, A. Annuk, J. Füssl, Numerical simulation of CLT moisture uptake and dry-out following water infiltration through end-grain surfaces, J. Build. Eng., Vol. 80, 108097, 2023. [3] K. Kalbe, T. Kalamees, V. Kukk, A. Ruus, A. Annuk, Wetting circumstances, ex- pected moisture content, and drying performance of CLT end-grain edges based on field measurements and laboratory analysis, Build. Environ., Vol. 221, 109245, 2022.