Research on System Virtual Integration Method for Complex System

  • TAO, Fuxing (AVIC-DIGITAL)
  • MEN, Xiaosu (AVIC-DIGITAL)

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The increase in system complexity has brought about a paradigm shift in research and development. In order to accurately predict and evaluate the performance, characteristics, behaviors, and functions of the system, it is necessary to use simulation methods to integrate the key systems that make up the system virtually and carry out simulation verification in combination with the scenario environment to ensure that the characteristics and properties of the system emergence correctly through the interaction of multiple systems, thereby exposing design problems and faults at the front end and ensuring that the design is correct once and for all. This study proposes a new system virtual integration framework that adopts systems engineering methodology and hierarchical abstraction methods. The first layer verifies the behavior, functions, and interfaces of the system architecture model through discrete event simulation. The second layer constructs a multidisciplinary coupled dynamic model based on physical principles to verify the performance, spatiotemporal relationships, and other aspects of the system.The aim is to achieve design synthesis, virtual testing, requirement verification, and scheme iteration optimization of the system in the early stages of design, thereby improving the digital level of equipment research and development.