An Objective FE-Formulation for Cosserat Rods based on the Spherical Bézier Interpolation

  • GRECO, LEOPOLDO (Università degli Studi di Catania)
  • CAMMARATA, ALESSANDRO (Università degli Studi di Catania)
  • CASTELLO, DOMENICO (Università degli Studi di Catania)
  • CUOMO, MASSIMO (Università degli Studi di Catania)

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A generalization of the spherical linear interpolation (or slerp) for the finite rotations to the case of more than two control variables on SO(3) is introduced to design an objective FE￾formulation for the non-linear space Cosserat rod model. The interpolation uses the De Casteljau’s algorithm. The proposed formulation extends a previous one introduced for Kirchhoff-Love rods based on slerp [1]. In this way, the same interpolation degree can be used for the placement of the centroid curve and for the finite rotation of the cross-section. A recursive formula is obtained for the interpolation of the rotations. Similar recursive formulas are derived for the spin and the curvature vector, leading to a generalization of the Bézier basis functions on the manifold SO(3). The obtained basis function reduces to those introduced by Crisfield and Jelenic’ for two points interpolation [2] The rod formulation so obtained is invariant under a rigid rotation (objective), in the sense that the patch-test with respect to the rigid body motion is satisfied. Furthermore, an optimal path-independence is achieved as verified by several numerical investigations