Delayed damage approach to model the degradation of materials exposed to the development of expanding phases
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There are several situations, when chemical and physical degradation of porous building materials influences their durability to a great extent. The transport infrastructure exposed to deicing salts, harbor infrastructure and other constructions exposed to see water, or historical structures after many years of exposure to natural climate and dissolution/crystallization of salts due to rain (which may be acid) and variable hygrothermal conditions can be considered among most important [1,2]. Pores of building materials, such as concrete, natural stone, brick, are filled with gaseous (moist air) and/or liquid phases. Liquid phase consists of water with various chemicals dissolved in it, very often salts. The modelling of salt and ice crystallization were considered and modelled in this contribution. Thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical approach was adopted for simulation the heat and mass transport in deformable porous materials [1,2]. The model consists of four partial differential equations, which were solved using finite element and finite difference method. In order to model the degradation of the materials exposed to non-isothermal conditions the delayed damage model was adopted [1,3].