Numerical Predictions of Wind Turbine Noise for Non-axisymmetric Loaded Rotor

  • Marino, Oscar Andres (UPM-ETSIAE)
  • Botero, Laura (University of Twente)
  • Ferrer, Esteban (UPM-ETSIAE)

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We present a methodology for calculating aeroacoustic of wind turbines, coupling (relatively fast) wind turbine CFD simulations with a fast turn-around noise prediction method. The turbine flow field is simulated using the Actuator Line model and Large Eddy Simulations using a high order discontiuous Galerkin spectral element solver. The noise prediction method is based on the Amiet-schlinker’s theory for rotatory noise sources. We consider leading- and trailing-edge noise as the unique noise sources, which are calculated using Amiet’s theory for flat plates applied to stationary 2D airfoils. We validate the methodology with experimental measurements and perform an analysis of the asymmetries in the aerodynamic loading of the blades and the effect on noise production, calculating the noise produced by each blade considering the instantaneous results of the actuator line simulations.