Aspects of parameter identification of models for materials exhibiting propagating instabilities
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This work is focused on the Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect, its modelling (see [2] and references cited therein) and identification of the underlying material parameters. The phenomenon is commonly associated with Dynamic Strain Aging as well as negative strain rate sensitivity, see [1]. On the atomic level it is caused by integration of solute atoms and dislocation with other dislocations during plastic processes. On the macroscopic level bands propagating, hopping or nucleating in the sample can be observed and associated with these serrations (repetitive changes from hardening to softening) occur in the related force-displacement diagram. A large strain Estrin-McCormick type model, which is a phenomenological description of the PLC effect, is adopted to predict the behaviour of aluminum alloy. The model is based on ageing time, a variable which is governing local solute atoms concentration at dislocations and directly linking macroscopic model quantities to material micro-structure. Modeling results are compared with experiments for different strain rates at room temperature and good agreement between both has been obtained. To further improve the model's predictive capabilities, identification of EMC model parameters using force-displacement data is performed. Due to the character of the data (serrations), direct force-displacement data as well as representative quantities based on these are accounted for within the identification approach. The work is supported by the DFG and NCN through grant number 527828607, respectively Weave-UNISONO nr 2023/05/Y/ST8/00006. [1] A.H. Cottrell and B.A. Bilby. Dislocation theory of yielding and strain ageing of iron. Proc. Phy. Soc. Sect. A., 62, 49-62, 1949. [2] M. Mucha, L. Rose, B. Wcislo, A. Menzel, and J. Pamin. Experiments and numerical simulations of Lueders bands and Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in aluminium alloy AW5083. Arch. Mech., 75, 301-336, 2023.