Time Parallelization of Field-Circuit Coupled Simulations with Micro-Macro Parareal

  • Wiesheu, Michael (TU Darmstadt)
  • Schöps, Sebastian (TU Darmstadt)
  • Cortes Garcia, Idoia (TU Eindhoven)

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Conducting simulations with higher accuracy also comes with increased computational effort. Therefore, simulations in industry commonly rely on different levels of accuracy. High fidelity simulations are run in advance to determine the system behavior and optimize the model. For the real time control of the appliance, analytical models with lower fidelity are usually used, where the parameters are calculated by the prior simulations. This work uses the Parallelization in Time (PinT) technique Parareal to combine these levels of fidelity. Different examples in electromagnetic engineering are investigated. On the coarse level, an electric network model is solved in advance. Due to the model simplicity, the simulation time for this model is negligible. On the fine level, a field-circuit coupled problem is solved. This can then be done in parallel to reduce the effective simulation time.