The Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem with Crossdock for Perishable Goods

  • Nisyrios, Emmanouil (NTUA)
  • Nikolopoulou, Amalia (NTUA)
  • Gkiotsalitis, Konstantinos (NTUA)

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This research extends the original Pickup and Delivery Problem (PDP) framework [1] by introducing a Crossdock (CD) to facilitate the efficient exchange of goods exchange among connected vehicles, reducing the delivery routes and running times. Operational constraints including time windows, vehicle capacities, and crossdock synchronization are considered, along with specific requirements for perishable goods, aiming to reduce the distance of long trips. This extension, named the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Crossdock for Perishable Goods (PDPCDPG), is formulated as a nonlinear programming problem. Leveraging linearization and valid inequalities, a reformulation of the PDPCDPG is performed, resulting in a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model. This enables the computation of globally optimal solutions through Branch-and-Cut algorithms. Computational experiments on benchmark instances demonstrate the stability and effectiveness of the proposed approach. Building upon this, in the context of the EU Horizon Europe project CONDUCTOR [2], we propose a time-based Rolling Horizon extension to enhance real-time route optimization, considering dynamic traffic conditions. Integration with the Aimsun traffic simulation software enables the application of both offline and online simulation approaches, incorporating real-world network dynamics. Through iterative updates of travel times and route scheduling, the PDPCDPG's performance is optimized within evolving traffic environments. This integration offers transportation and logistics companies a practical solution for time-sensitive deliveries, enhancing operational efficiency and responsiveness to real-world challenges. Results demonstrate that vehicle routes are optimized in real-time, and travel times and overall costs are reduced. It is also expected to reduce the vehicle kilometres travelled and improve the quality of transportation company services currently offered. The project's innovations will therefore lead to smoother urban traffic, less pollution, and a higher quality of delivery services.