Reduced Basis Approximations of Parameterized Dynamical Partial Differential Equations via Neural Networks

  • Sentz, Peter (Brown University)
  • Cyr, Eric C (Sandia National Laboratories)
  • Beckwith, Kristian (Sandia National Laboratories)
  • Olson, LukeN (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Patel, Ravi (Sandia National Laboratories)

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Projection-based reduced order models are effective at approximating parameter-dependent differential equations that are parametrically separable. When parametric separability is not satisfied, which occurs in both linear and nonlinear problems, projection-based methods fail to adequately reduce the computational complexity. Devising alternative reduced order models is crucial for obtaining efficient and accurate approximations to expensive high-fidelity models. In this work, we develop a time-stepping procedure for dynamical parameter-dependent problems, in which a neural-network is trained to propagate the coefficients of a reduced basis expansion. This results in an online stage with a computational cost independent of the size of the underlying problem. We demonstrate our method on several parabolic partial differential equations, including a problem that is not parametrically separable.