An equilibrium finite element formulation for reinforced concrete

  • Ferradi, Mohammed-Khalil (UM6P)
  • Fliscounakis, Agnès (INSA Rennes)
  • Arquier, Mathieu (Strains Engineering)

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This paper presents a 3D equilibrium finite element approach for reinforced concrete developed in [1]. The formulation ensures equilibrium across the volume, except at rebar intersections. It utilizes tetrahedral linear elements for concrete stress interpolation and 1D embedded rebars in the triangular mesh. Global equilibrium is maintained through traction continuity equations on mesh faces, incorporating rebar stress on intersected faces. The formulation extends to the elastoplastic case and limit analysis via the addition of non-linear constraints, i.e. the semi-definite constraints for concrete stress based on Rankine criterion, while the discrete rebars follow a 1D perfectly elastoplastic model.