Morphing Lattice Structures via Hybrid Level-Set/Density Topology Optimization using Morfeo
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Pairing additive manufacturing and topology optimization enables the fabrication of optimal designs. Our contribution allows the manufacturing of lattice structures whose morphing satifies stress constraints. We introduce a versatile topology optimization framework tailored for the morphing of such structures. This framework has been implemented within our proprietary finite element software, Morfeo. To achieve optimal designs with high performance, the optimization process involves multiple design variables allowing for the incorporation of lattice structures [1, 2]. At mesoscale, we use dedidcated design variables parameterizing the lattice substructure, while at macroscale, we implicitly represent the lattice with an equivalent material behavior obtained through homogenization [1, 2]. We then formulate an optimization problem based on a hybrid method combining density field and level-set XFEM approaches [1, 2]. The level-set method ensures accurate surface and stress representations, while the density field approach allows hole nucleation during the optimization process. Additionally, stress constraints are integrated into the optimization process to maintain mechanical integrity under deformation. We apply our framework to a wing trailing edges such that it morphs to a target shape under deformation. Leveraging the flexibility of our optimization solver, we compare the performance of resulting structures based on different model hypotheses and material models, including isotropic and lattice structures. [1] Jansen, M., and O. Pierard. "A hybrid density/level set formulation for topology optimization of functionally graded lattice structures." Computers \& Structures 231 (2020): 106205. [2] Jansen, Miche, Olivier Pierard, and Nicolas Poletz. "Topology Optimization Of Additive Manufacturing Components With Lattice Structures For Multiphysics Applications." International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 20.1 (2022).C. Wellmann and P. Wriggers. A two-scale model of granular materials. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 205-208(1):46–58, 2012.