Multifield thermoplasticity

  • Williams, Ross (University of Glasgow)
  • Runcie, Callum (University of Glasgow)
  • Shvarts, Andrei (University of Glasgow)
  • Pearce, Chris (University of Glasgow)
  • McBride, Andrew (University of Glasgow)
  • Kaczmarczyk, Lukasz (University of Glasgow)

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Thermal effects play a crucial role in simulating a wide range of manufacturing processes. These processes, characterized by substantial plastic deformations, present a notable modelling challenge due to their complex multiphysical nature. A multifield formulation of plasticity was previously developed to address the inherent limitations of conventional approaches when solving problems in computational plasticity. To be applicable for modelling linear friction welding, physical phenomena such as thermal expansion, adiabatic heating, and thermal softening must be accounted for. To extend the multifield plasticity framework, a mixed formulation of the heat equation is implemented. Benefits of a mixed formulation include the natural treatment of sharp gradients in material properties, a natural a posteriori error estimator, and optimal discretisation of the resulting fields. In addition, a block matrix solver based on the Schur complement is utilised, possible due to the choice of the material heat flux in the H(Div) space. The multifield thermoplasticity framework is implemented in the open-source Finite Element software MoFEM. Numerical examples are presented before thorough benchmarking of the implementation is performed. The scalability of the approach will then be studied.