Tamaas, a High-Performance Open-Source Library for Rough Contacts

  • Frérot, Lucas (Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, UMR 7190)

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Contacts between rough surfaces are omnipresent in man-made and natural mechanical systems. Understanding the contact properties, particularly the geometry of the so-called “true contact area,” made up of micro-scale contact junctions, is paramount to understanding tribological phenomena such as friction. Tamaas [1], meaning “contact” in Farsi and Arabic, is a library that aims to empower researchers and industrials to resolve in high details contact properties at the scales of roughness, including the true contact area, but also contact pressures, plastic deformation, residual stresses, etc. The contact of rough surfaces is a computationally challenging problem: most natural surfaces are rough on a large spectrum of length-scales, with no a priori scale separation. One must therefore discretize as many orders of magnitudes in length-scale to resolve the details of the contact. Finite-element methods, while versatile, cannot match the performance, in rough contact problems, of boundary and volume integral equation methods, based on Green’s functions, and accelerated with the fast-Fourier transform [2]. Tamaas implements these methods for elastic and elastic-plastic rough contact problems, which can be solved in parallel on distributed memory clusters thanks to the MPI implementation of FFTW3 [3]. In addition, Tamaas also implements frictional contact and surface plasticity solvers, several methods of rough-surface generation, is easily extensible in Python (with full access to Tamaas’ internals), and is interoperable with Scipy’s sparse solvers. Performance aspects and on-going developments will be discussed in this talk.