Investigating SFRC Jacketing for Seismic Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Multistorey Buildings
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Within this research work, experimentally validated numerical models were developed to investigate the efficiency of Steel-Fiber-Reinforced-Polymer (SFRC) concrete jacketing when used to retrofit multistorey reinforced concrete (RC) buildings. The numerical models were validated through the use of a full-scale 4-storey RC building that was tested in Italy and parametrically investigated in [1]. Thereafter, several models were modelled foreseeing for different SFRC jacket configurations. The models were numerically analyzed and suitable conclusions were made about the most viable retrofitting strategies . It was concluded the most effective retrofitting technique is achieved when all the structural joints are retrofitted excluding the roof joints. This resulted in an overall base shear increase of 40% also resulting in significantly less strain build-up in the structures joints.