Multidisciplinary Node-Based Shape Optimization of Automotive Parts for Manufacturability

  • Barrón Loeza, Gabriela (BMW Group AG)
  • Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe (Technical University of Munich)
  • Hojjat, Majid (BMW Group AG)

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In the typical product development process of an automotive part, multiple disciplinary teams collaborate to converge on a final design. Structural mechanics, design, crashworthiness and manufacturability are relevant disciplines that mutually influence one another. Sheet metal forming operations are the cornerstone of automotive part production, as a significant portion of the individual components of the Body-in-White (BiW) are fabricated through stamping and deep-drawing processes. Manufacturability assurance for sheet metal forming is commonly addressed by engineering experience and heuristic rules based on geometrical constraints. This work explores the idea of formulating analytical manufacturing constraints for stamped and deep-drawn parts and its inclusion into existing multidisciplinary shape optimization workflows to address formability and performance objectives simultaneously. As discussed by [1], gradient methods based on adjoint sensitivity analysis, together with a filtering technique as Vertex-Morphing are powerful tools for the typical large and very large optimization use cases in the industry. This presentation covers the formulation of a constraint for shape-optimization that accounts for the manufacturing process, followed by a discussion on the definition of a meaningful objective function. The formulations of the primal and adjoint problems are presented, based on the simplified Finite Element Analysis for sheet metal forming proposed by [2]. Details regarding the calculation of adjoint-based sensitivities are also discussed. Obtained sensitivities are then combined with Vertex-Morphing and used to optimize numerical examples. REFERENCES [1] Kai-Uwe Bletzinger. A consistent frame for sensitivity filtering and the vertex assigned morphing of optimal shape. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 49, 01 2014. [2] Y. Q. Guo, J. L. Batoz, J. M. Detraux, and P. Duroux. Finite element procedures for strain estimations of sheet metal forming parts. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 30(8):1385–1401, 1990.