Modelling of Nonlocal Truss Structures in the Framework of Space-Fractional Continuum Mechanics
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In the case of micro- and nano-scale elements, classical continuum mechanics becomes inadequate as it neglects that materials exhibit a discontinuous (granular, porous) microstructure at this observation scale level. In that case, theoretical extensions are required to add the so-called scale effect, which enables the structure's behavior depending on the material's microstructure. However, it is preferred to keep the simplicity of analysis and avoid direct representation of the complex original microstructure – therefore, one creates non-local models, that is, the generalized continuum models enriched with the scale effect. This work aims to propose non-local modeling of nano/micro-trusses. The proposed approach is based on the assumptions of space-Fractional Continuum Mechanics, where the non-locality is incorporated using fractional derivatives, and the scale effect depends on the order of fractional derivatives and length scale. Nano/micro-trusses will be modeled as systems formed by assembling space-fractional rods, and the research conducted will focus on static analysis. The study will demonstrate how the non-locality parameters affect the static behavior of the space-fractional trusses. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was funded in whole by the National Science Centre, Poland, grant number 2022/45/N/ST8/02421. For the purpose of Open Access, the authors have applied a CC-BY public copyright license to any Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) version arising from this submission. REFERENCES [1] W. Sumelka, and T. Blaszczyk. Fractional continua for linear elasticity. Archives of Mechanics, 66:147-172, 2014. [2] P. Stempin and W. Sumelka. Space-fractional Euler-Bernoulli beam model - Theory and identification for silver nanobeam bending. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 186:105902, 2020. [3] P. Stempin and W. Sumelka. Formulation and experimental validation of space-fractional Timoshenko beam model with functionally graded materials effects. Computational Mechanics, 68:697-708, 2021. [4] P. Stempin and W.Sumelka. Space-fractional small-strain plasticity model for microbeams including grain size effect. International Journal of Engineering Science, 175:103672, 2022. [5] P. Stempin, T.P. Pawlak and W. Sumelka. Formulation of non-local space-fractional plate model and validation for composite micro-plates. International Journal of Engineering Science, 192:103932, 2023.