Novel Methods to Model Fluid-Solid Interactions in Tribosystems
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Tribological interactions, synonymous with rubbing interfaces, often play an important role in a plethora of applications, some of which may be oblivious to ourselves. An example is fluid-film lubrication that takes place in moving systems, and where mechanical, physical and chemical phenomena drive the evolution of the contacting interfaces. Fluid-solid interactions dominate such problems, which often require models to capture starved lubrication, structural deformation, friction-induced temperature rise, and surface wear. In this context, Reynolds-based modelling techniques, as well as those that feature the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach based on the Navier-Stokes solution, have been extensively utilised for the continuum modelling of lubricated interfaces. Notwithstanding the advantages of CFD-based techniques vis-à-vis mesh discretisation and mass-flow conservation, Reynolds-based models have demonstrated effectiveness in tackling lubrication problems anent a vast range of lubrication conditions and with lower computational costs. However, the non-linearity that is often exhibited by the system of equations which govern the physics of tribosystems can often deteriorate the convergence of the coupled numerical solution in scenarios where extremely thin films and high magnitude of hydrodynamic pressures are being generated, ergo promoting ill-conditioned iterative solutions and higher computational burden. The current contribution aims to rigorously tackle the convergence complications associated with the coupling of fluid-solid interaction (FSI) solvers adopted for tribosystems by exploiting novel partitioned FSI coupling techniques. Performances of the advanced partitioned schemes are examined via an integrated finite volume framework that accommodates intricate surface geometries by transforming the governing equations, such as the generalised Reynolds equation coupled with the mass conserving Elrod-Adams cavitation model and thermal energy equation, from Cartesian to non- orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. Simulation results representative of various lubrication regimes and bearing components will be showcased to exemplify the improvements in the overall modelling of tribological interfaces which can be achieved by adopting stable FSI coupling methods in addition to the state-of-the-art numerical algorithms that will be introduced in the context of lubricated interfaces, in an attempt to establish robust predictive tools.