On the extension of the entropy viscosity method for scale resolving incompressible flows.

  • Lehmkuhl, Oriol (BSC)
  • Gasparino, Lucas (BSC)
  • Muela, Jordi (BSC)

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This work will present a GPU-capable low-dissipation semi-implicit SEM algorithm suitable for performing scale-resolving simulations of wall-bounded turbulent incompressible flows at high Reynolds. Such a model is motivated by issues encountered when performing LES and DNSs of typical industrial flows, where small and skew element, especially for the high-order types of elements used in SEM, can introduce several stability problems even when using the latest in supercomputing hardware. To achieve this objective, the open-source code e SOD2D code (Spectral high-Order coDe 2 solve partial Differential equations [1], a new Continuous Galerkin High-Order Spectral Element Method (CG-SEM), is extended to incompressible flows, using a high-order/splitting velocity correction algorithm [2] together with a novel extension of the entropy viscosity method [3]. The resulting low dissipation scheme works will with high-order SEM, physical based SGS and WMLES models, and is able to be stable and accurate in complex geometries. The final work will detail the new stabilisation scheme and will discuss out several verification exercises at relevant Reynolds conditions.