Extended Diamond Difference Constant Nodal an Innovative Hybrid Method for Two-Dimensional Fixed Source Discrete Ordinates Problems

  • B. R. Ortiz, Iram (Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz)
  • S. Dominguez, Dany (Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz)
  • M. Iglesias, Susana (Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz)
  • Hughes, Guilherme (Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz)
  • E. Ambrosio, Paulo (Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz)

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Analytical solutions for the Boltzmann transport equation are typically limited to specific scenarios, prompting the research transport community to extensively explore numerical approaches with special attention to the discrete ordinate (Sn) formulation. The spectral nodal methods are gaining recognition for their capability to preserve the analytical solution of the mathematical model. In one-dimensional problems, numerical results match the analytical solution, but in multidimensional scenarios, spatial truncation errors are introduced due to inherent approximations of leakage terms. However, these formulations exhibit notable complexity with high-order polynomial approximations for the leakage terms, motivating researchers to pursue simpler hybrid approaches while partially preserving the analytical solution. Both, spectral nodal and hybrid spectral nodal methods introduces non-standard auxiliary equations incompatible with the standard iterative schemes due to a highly coupling in angular directions. Following these ideas, we present a finite element - spectral nodal hybrid method denominated Extended Diamond Difference - Constant Nodal (EDD-CN) method for two-dimensional fixed-source discrete ordinate transport problems with constant nodal approximation for the leakage terms. The proposed method seeks to preserve eigenfunctions associated with the highest eigenvalues in the transverse integrated Sn equations. In addition, we propose a novel iterative scheme called Decoupled Cell Iteration (DCI) scheme that decoupled the non-standard auxiliary equations in angular direction and follows a suitable iteration sweep for solving Sn problems. An analysis of the performance of the proposed EDD-CN method was conducted on a heterogeneous model problem, with a subsequent comparison of numerical results against Larsen's Extended Diamond Difference (EDD) method. Both methods were modified to implement the newly introduced DCI scheme. The numerical solution generated by the EDD-CN method demonstrates to be more accurate than those generated by the EDD method, all while maintaining a similar level of simplicity and computational cost.