Recent progress in high-order WENO schemes with arbitrary linear weights for inviscid and viscous compressible flow

  • Wang, Zhenming (NUAA)
  • Zhu, Jun (NUAA)
  • Tian, Linlin (NUAA)
  • Zhao, Ning (NUAA)

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The Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) scheme has attracted much attention due to its ability to simultaneously achieve low dissipation characteristics of smooth regions and high-resolution capture of discontinuities. However, how to simplify the reconstruction process, improve computational efficiency, and enhance the robustness of the algorithm is still an issue in its engineering applications. In this paper, based on the core idea of nested center reconstruction stencils, a simplified multi-resolution WENO (SMR-WENO) scheme with linear weights that can be artificially valued and are independent of grid types has been developed. In addition, a new discontinuous sensor was designed and a corresponding hybrid SMR-WENO scheme was developed to improve it computational efficiency. Numerical results of the inviscid/viscous compressible flow problems show that these schemes have less numerical dissipation than the classical fifth-order WENO-JS scheme.