Structural Topology Optimization of a High Aspect-ratio Dry-wing for H2-powered Aircrafts

  • JULIEN, Cédric (ONERA)
  • COELHO, Ludovic (ONERA)
  • IRISARRI, François-Xavier (ONERA)

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The subject of this study is the high-aspect-ratio, strut-braced wing of a SMR commercial aircraft, powered with liquid H2. Starting from the sizing of this configuration using “state-of-the-art” methods for a conventional metallic wing-box structure for the wing, a first structural optimization is performed. The purpose of this first step is to identify a reference solution, which will serve as a basis for comparison with future designs. A second optimization step is then performed. Optimized spars are then used in the calculation of the overall performance of the wing, and quantify the improvement with respect to the aforementioned reference solution.